Choosing any gear comes down to a balance between the ideal choice and what you can spend. I have spent a number of decades collecting gear, so I am now in a place where most of my gear is able to be the ideal choices, but that wasn't always the case. Even if you can't afford it, however, it helps to figure out the ideal choice because that will allow you to be clear on what you are looking for in your secondary-but-much-more-affordable options. (See the bottom of this page for ideas on getting reduced price gear.)
backpacking gear - kitchen gear
This gear is nessisary if you intend to cook. On short trips you can get by with cold food and avoid this whole list of gear. On most of my trips, I bring packs of instant meals (just add boiling water) and basically nothing else, but if you have room and a desire to carry a few extra things, you can go much cheeper and more interesting by actually cooking meals while you are out. More on that in the Food section. Here is the gear you need for the various options...
- camp stove and fuel - I use... A ... size canister of fuel lasts me about one...
- pot, cup, bowl, etc - I spent the money on a great set which all flattens down to the size of a small frisbee. It includes a pot for cooking with a lid, 2 cups and a bowl. I highly recommend it when you need to save space
- spork - most useful single utensil. Get plastic light weight one.
- hot pad - bring a small, light weight hot pad or use your gloves to move hot things off a stove.
- Other Kitchen Gear
- cutting board - this is small and takes up little room. Can really be worth it if you are cutting up sausage or cheese for your meals a lot.
- frying pan - the lid of some larger pots work as a frying pan. Can be nice for making biscuits and pancakes if you don't want to only eat instant meals.
- large spoon - if you are going to do any actual cooking
- clean-up sink - can be very handy and keeps your gear away from creeks while you clean it
- towel - might be different from your personal one if you use this only for food gear
- biodegradable soap - may not be needed if you can do basic scrape cleaning as recommended by leave no trace philosophy, but if you do bring soap, choose something that will clean dishes and you equally well
- mug - not nessisary but can be nice to have a metal mug or hot drinks on a cold day. My collapsible cups work for this as well, however.
Click here to see my YouTube page of videos on how this trip is going every step of the way, including my preparations at home and my days on the trail.
Want to know more about who is on this trip? Me, my dog, my horses and any friends who happen to join me along the way...
Click here to see my YouTube page of videos on how this trip is going every step of the way, including my preparations at home and my days on the trail. |